Efflux Index Apparatus Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in France

Efflux Index Apparatus

Product Code : EDS-ATLE-11277

The efflux index of an aggregate is the required time in seconds of a known volume of aggregates to flow from a known opening. 
Lss France used to measure the efflux index of fine aggregates (shape and angularity). 
The unit is basically formed by aluminium body, 90 mm diameter by 125 mm height, aluminium feed hopper 100 mm dia. by 170 mm height, control shutter, polycarbonate funnel having 85 mm height, 60° conical part, which end has a diameter of 12 mm, base support, valve, decanter.
Weight : 8 kg approx.
Dimensions: 200 x 240 xh 600 mm.


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